So What If You’re Not In the Mood? 3 Simple Morning Hacks

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Do you reach over and check your phone? Do you drink coffee within an hour of waking up?

The choices we make in the first moments of our day can significantly impact how the rest of it unfolds:

For the longest time, I had no appetite in the morning.I thought skipping breakfast suited me just fine. What I failed to recognize was that I had never genuinely given breakfast a chance, simply assuming that if I wasn't hungry, there was no reason to eat.

During a thought-provoking conversation on our podcast with the esteemed thinker Dennis Prager, he shared a story that ignited an 'aha moment' within me. Dennis recounted his childhood, recalling how he had little enthusiasm for morning prayers at school. In an act of defiance, he boldly approached his teacher and admitted, 'I'm not in the mood to pray.' The teacher's composed response, 'So what?' carried a profound simplicity that deeply resonated with me. The realization hit me like a lightning bolt: 'So what if I don't like eating breakfast? Who cares?' Dennis's words struck a powerful chord, compelling me to reevaluate my perspective. I decided to give breakfast a chance, and it has undeniably transformed my life."

With this in mind. here are some simple hacks I have adopted that can help empower you to be in charge, rather than in reactive mode, as you navigate the demands of your daily life.

Caffeine: a Morning Misstep

Drink water before coffee. When you wake up, your body's cortisol levels naturally begin to rise, helping you transition from sleep to wakefulness. This natural awakening process is crucial for setting the tone for your day. However, reaching for that morning cup of coffee can disrupt this delicate balance. Here's why:

Caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant found in coffee, tea, and many other beverages, can interfere with your body's natural cortisol rhythm. When you consume caffeine immediately upon waking, you risk dampening the cortisol awakening response. This disruption can lead to a less effective and potentially more stressful start to your day.

On the other hand, drinking water as your first morning ritual enhances this natural awakening process. Hydrating your body not only replenishes fluids lost during sleep but also helps in regulating cortisol levels. By allowing this natural rhythm to unfold, you promote better hormonal balance, setting a positive tone for your day.

2. Preventing Information Overload and Reactivity

Do anything before picking up your phone: Checking your phone right after waking up can flood you with information and demands. You might find yourself bombarded with work emails, news updates, and messages, putting you in a reactive mode where you're responding to others' requests before tending to your own needs. By delaying phone use, you take charge of your morning and create a protective buffer against information overload.

3. Mindful and Intentional Start

The first 45 minutes of your day are precious, and those minutes will likely set the tone for the rest of your day. That first hour can be as valuable as the next 5 hours. Choosing to go phone-free during this time allows you to cultivate mindfulness and intentionality. You can use this period to set the tone for the day ahead. Engage in activities that nourish your body and soul, such as stretching, light exercise, or a moment of quiet reflection. It's a powerful way to reclaim your morning for yourself.

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For the full episode with Dennis Prater, visit the podcast link below:


Watch: ‘Real Talk’ with Eda